Brian Gray
Public Spaces

I've always enjoyed the experience of opening a new product, toying with it, and realizing how much thought and care went into designing it. That's the part of design I find to be the most inspiring. That attention to detail is also the most human part of design because of the time and effort it takes to get something just right. Humanity is something I think should always be brought up when discussing design because humanity influences design and vice versa, and that dynamic plays such a big role in our society. Thoughtfulness and care are two things that aren't always prioritized in our society, but I feel that good design is strong enough to change that.

My work is heavily focused on human experience. I think experiences are so valuable because they literally make up who we are, good, bad and inbetween. I focus on human experience from an interactive user perspective as well as a societal perspective, so my work takes on different forms. I try to create things that make routine tasks and life a bit easier and more enjoyable.