2016 United Media Conference

April 8th, 2016

Livingston Student Center(Livingston Hall), New Brunswick

The Woahjabi Project and The Rutgers Association of Marketing and Strategy would like to cordially invite you to the 2016 United Media Conference. We are very impressed with your community presence and believe that your attendance at the United Media Conference would add significant value to this powerfully innovative conversation on disrupting the media industry through its diversification.

The United Media Conference will be taking place on Friday, April 8th from 6:00-9:00pm in Livingston Hall (Livingston Student Center). It will be a night full of TED style talks from industry leaders in the Marketing and Media fields, free food, outstanding workshops on social media, guest posting, marketing, journalism, and photography as well as the exclusive opportunity to network with these industry leaders. You will get the exclusive opportunity to meet:

Rowaida Abdelaziz, World Social Media Editor at the Huffington Post

Babita Patel, Executive Director of The KIOO Project and Renowned Humanitarian Photographer

Dr. Ashwani Monga, Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Marketing Department at the Rutgers Business School

Kaila Boulware, Digital Media Project Manager and Revered Social Activist

Sobia Masood, Junior at the Fashion Institute of Technology and a Fashion Columnist for Muslimgirl.net

Conference admission is at absolutely no cost to you.

Dress Code is Business Casual.

Registration starts at 5:30PM.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do reach out to Woahjabi@gmail.com and/or rams.newbrunswick@gmail.com.

Feel free to check out more details on the Facebook event page.

We hope that you take advantage of this unique opportunity to be a part of a night you will never forget—see you there!


Executive Board, The Woahjabi Project
Executive Board, Rutgers Association of Marketing and Strategy

Publication Intensive


Please apply via our online form, here. The deadline for applications is midnight on Monday, April 11, 2016. Participants will be notified no later than Friday, April 15. If you have further questions, please write edu@canopycanopycanopy.com. Read a conversation between participants in 2014’s program here.

What: A two-week program in the history and contemporary practice of publication.

Where: At Triple Canopy’s offices in Brooklyn and various arts spaces around New York City.

Cost: Tuition is free, though participants must arrange and pay for their travel and accommodation. All reading and viewing materials will be provided free of cost.

Triple Canopy is pleased to announce its second Publication Intensive, a two-week program in the history and contemporary practice of publication, for twelve higher-level college students, graduate students, and recent college graduates. We invite applications from prospective students with backgrounds in areas such as writing, art, literature, art history, new media, and design. During the Publication Intensive, Triple Canopy editors and invited artists, writers, and technologists will lead discussions and workshops with participating students, who will research, analyze, and enact an approach to publication that hinges on today’s networked forms of production and circulation but also mines the history of print culture and artistic practice. The program will take place at Triple Canopy’s venue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and will include visits to studios of artists and designers, archives, and cultural institutions.